Children will learn about Hindu culture. A salient feature of this curriculum is an exhaustive explanation of our samskaras that gives children ...
Stories, Bhajans, Activities: Children learn about Hindu Deities such as Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Devis through stories, activities, bhaja...
This text highlights the fundamentals of Vedanta in a clear and logical manner appealing to the modern, scientific-minded generation. It demonst...
Children will learn about Lord Sri Krishna and His virtues through Krishna Lila stories.
They will also learn about the selfless supreme sp...
The curriculum covers the virtues of Hanumanji such as unwavering devotion, strength, wisdom, and intelligence. The children will learn how thes...
Based on the popular book by the same name, this class educates our 5th/6th grade students in the profound symbolism of Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism...